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The surrounding society and the main economic activity of the region of residence
The industrial complex is the most developed part of the economy of Primorye. It accounts for almost a third of the gross regional product. Around 30% of fixed production assets and 27% of the area’s employed population reside there. The main industries are fish processing, electric power and coal production, mechanical engineering and ship repair, mining, forestry, and woodworking. Forestry and woodworking are the oldest sectors of the economy of the Primorsky Territory. Timber harvesting is carried out mainly in the northern regions which have valuable tree species. It is this area where the Udege mainly live and their hunting grounds are.
The raw materials base of the non-ferrous metallurgy consists of large deposits of polymetallic ores located in the northern areas of the Territory and the fluorspar deposit in the Khorol district.
Primorye is one of the largest honey-producing areas of the country; honey production amounts to 7 thousand tons per year. Mechanical engineering and metalworking are among the key sectors of the industrial complex of Primorye. The main sectors are ship repair and shipbuilding, mechanical and instrument engineering, and aircraft construction. The electric power industry, which accounts for over a third of the industrial sector of Primorye, is the most important element of the production infrastructure.
The fishing industry occupies a leading position in the industrial structure of the Territory. It has a significant influence not only on the economy of the Territory and the Far East but also on the whole of Russia. The share of the fishing industry in the Territory’s industrial production is 29%. More than 400 thousand tons of fish products are exported annually. The largest consumers are Japan, the USA, and South Korea.
The agricultural production is carried out throughout the area but concentrated mainly in its southern and southwestern parts. The climate there is favorable for cultivation of almost all crops, including the heat-loving ones: rice, cucurbits, eggplants, and peppers. In total production, crop products occupy 53.4% and livestock products occupy 46.6%.