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Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Elena Batyanova |
The Alyutors. Demographics (Population Dynamics, Urban/Rural Population, Gender and Age Breakdown, Youth Cohort)
In documents when conducting All-Russian Population Census 2002 г. Alyutorians identified themselves in different ways: 3 people - as “Alyutorians”, another 3 people - as “Alutalu”, 6 people – as “Olyutorians”. Thus, only 12 people linked their ethnic identity with the Alyutor people. The vast majority identified themselves as Koryaks. All-Russian population census 2010 did not mention the Alyutor people in her lists, even as a subethnic group. The 2020–2021 census recorded 96 Alyutor residents ("Karagins", "Namylans", "Nymylans"), 88 of whom lived in the Kamchatka Territory.
The information about the number of Alyutors indicated in official documents, articles and academic materials is quite contradictory. This can be explained by the difficulty of identifying the Alyutors proper within the other groups of Koryaks, the uncertainty of their official ethnic status, and the plurality of their self-determination.
A characteristic trend in the modern development of the Koryak area is the increased role of youth in public life. Youth organizations here benefit from government support. In 1998, the law “On State Youth Policy in the Koryak Autonomous Area” was approved. Among the political principles, the law proclaimed “the principle of special care for young people from among the indigenous peoples of the North inhabiting the Koryak autonomous area”. The law also approved “additional legal, economic and social guarantees for young citizens and families from among the indigenous peoples of the North” living in the area.
In 2010, the Public Organization of Youth of Indigenous Minorities of the North “Friendship of the Northerners” was created in the Kamchatka Territory. The youth of the Koryak area take an active part in the events held by this organization. According to the project “Youth landing in native villages”, activists of “Friendship of the Northerners” spent four years traveling to the villages of the Koryak area (including the Alyutor ones) and living there for several months to promote a healthy lifestyle among the population, introduce young people to social activities, etc. They held master classes, seminars, round tables, etc.