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MA belongs to a recently identified class of mixed languages. Their peculiarity is that a big part of their grammar structures originates from one language, whereas vocabulary, from another one.
Mednyj Aleuts (MA) call their language алеуутам умсуу [language of Aleuts] (cf. унаӈам умсуу [language of Aleuts] in Bering Aleut).
MA can be considered virtually extinct. It was badly affected when the compact living of native speakers was disrupted and all the inhabitants of Mednyj Island were relocated to Bering Island. This relocation resulted in a deep psychological trauma for the Mednyj Aleut community that always had its own identity, completely independent from Bering Aleuts. It was based on a number of specific cultural practices (mainly defined by the unique natural environment of Mednyj Island), as well as the use of their own language.