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When it comes to Aleut in Russia, it can already be considered extinct: over the last few years, the language was in such a state that the researchers knew not only the exact number of last native speakers, but also all their names. But if we consider Aleut without taking into account the state borders, there are about 100 people that still speak the language. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that this number of speakers is still low and Aleut is threatened with extinction.
Mednovsky Aleut language was formed as a result of interaction between the Aleut (now extinct dialect of Attu Island) and Russian languages, probably by the end of the 19th century. According to most specialists, Mednovsky is not a dialect of the Aleut or Russian language, but an independent language, in which its constituent parts, Aleut and Russian, are distinguished. The only feature that distinguishes it from ordinary languages is a rather high degree of variation. The origin of the Mednish Aleut language makes its genealogical classification difficult. Some researchers tend to attribute it to the Aleut branch of the Eskimo-Aleut family, which also includes the Aleut language. This point of view is based mainly on the fact that most of the lexicon in the Mednowsky language is Aleutian in origin.